Unity Jun is an incredibly uplifting beverage that consistently inspires smiles of delight!

We craft our delicious Jun with raw Vancouver Island honey, organic teas & herbs, and really awesome water.

The jun culture comes originally from high mountain areas in Tibet and Western China where people have kept this unique ferment going for centuries, long before it was known to the west. To this day, the jun culture (a relative of kombucha) still prefers to be fed raw honey and tea, which it then transforms it into an effervescent wellness elixir containing antioxidants, probiotics, digestive enzymes, and b-vitamins that help us with digestion, immunity, and overall well-being. During the 1970s counterculture youth in Oregon began brewing jun, and it is directly from this west coast counterculture tradition that Unity inherited a piece of actual jun culture in when it was gifted to us in 2012 - possibly the first on the island!

We now craft our version of this ancient beverage using organic green teas and raw Vancouver Island honey. We then infuse it with organic herbs selected for their medicinal properties and exquisite flavours. The effect is an effervescent and uplifting drink that tastes amazing, feels great, and comes in several herbal flavours - each one with its own unique wellness intention. We acknowledge that many of the herbs we use come from Ayurveda, from Traditional Chinese Medicine, from European “pagan” traditions, and from indigenous cultures of the Americas. We are grateful to these lineages and traditions for keeping the knowledge and cultivation of these herbs alive through the centuries!

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